Create a Cool Asphalt Logo Presentation in Photoshop

This tutorial will show you how to create a realistic asphalt logo presentation in Photoshop.

01. First open a picture of an asphalt texture. If you don’t have such picture, then it is very simple to take yourself .

02. Lets give the  asphalt more sharpness by going to Filter – Smart Sharpen and raise both values – Amount and Radius a bit. Press OK.

03. Now open your logo and drag it where you wish it to be. But the logo is probably colorful, therefor, go to Layer – Layer Styles – Color Overlay. There set the color to white, opacity to 90% and Blend mode to Hard Mix. Then, from the same window, go to the very first tab – Blending Options and lower the Fill Opacity Bar to 0. Press OK.

04. If you also wish to add a text, then just take the Horizontal Type Tool and add your text – be sure the color is white.

05. Then go to Layers panel set the text’s Opacity to 90% and Blend mode to Color Dodge.

06. Now lets make a stripe that all the highways have. Take the Rectangle Tool, set the color to white and just drag a long shape.

07. If you wish, you can tilt the stripe by going to Edit – Transform – Scale or just press a shortcut Ctrl + T (Command + T). Again, set the Blend mode to Hard Mix.

08. And your logo is ready for presentation!