How to achieve a Cinematic Look in Photoshop

First of all you have to open the photo that you want.

Duplicate original layer by right-clicking on it and selecting Duplicate Layer…

Change the colors from the color palette with blue and violet.



Go to Image – Adjustments – Gradient Map and click OK.



Go to the layer`s Blending mode and select Overlay.



Select from the color palette a green and yellow.



Duplicate again the Original layer.



Go again to Image – Adjustments – Gradient Map and click OK.



Change the layers Blending mode to Overlay.



Duplicate the original layer for one more time.



Select the colors as black and white.



Go to Image – Adjustments – Gradient Map and click OK.



Now select Overlay as Blending mode.



Go to the first layer and lower the opacity to 40% and the second one to 50%.


Now you got a Cinematic look photo.